A special place where the sea and land meet creating an ideal location for human settlement

A special place where the sea and land meet creating an ideal location for human settlement

A special place where the sea and land meet creating an ideal location for human settlement

A special place where the sea and land meet creating an ideal location for human settlement
A special place where the sea and land meet creating an ideal location for human settlement

The area has attacted people for hundreds of years with its beautiful beach, fresh water streams, spectacular views and sheltering hills. The Vaughan homestead is the oldest remaining structure being built in 1862.
About Us
Our Purpose
Our Purpose

We are helping to preserve our heritage by maintaining the Auckland City Council owned Vaughan homestead and its gardens. The Vaughan homestead and small museum are open (most Saturdays 2pm to 4pm subject to weather) for visitors as advertised and are available for weddings, corporate events and groups wishing to learn more about the history of the area. The homestead is not available for accommodation. Please use the contact tab for more information.

Who we are
Who we are

We are a group of locals who wish to preserve Vaughan homestead and promote the history of the area. The Torbay Historical Society Inc is a Registered Society Incorporation number 559329 . We meet regularly and welcome new members.

Society AGM May 2024
Society AGM May 2024

The AGM of the Society was held in May. A special guest speaker was Sir Don McKinnon. He was the farm manager at Long Bay before his parliamentary and commonwealth careers and shared his memories of being at Long Bay and the Vaughan family.

Donate and Membership
Individual Donation $2
Individual Donation $2
NZ$ 2.00
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A $2 donation helps to maintain the homestead.

Family Donation $5
Family Donation $5
NZ$ 5.00
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Thankyou for your donation to keep the homestead operating.

Annual Membership fee 2025
Annual Membership fee 2025
NZ$ 15.00
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Thankyou for your 2024 membership subscription. We appreciate it!

Where your money goes
Where your money goes

The Torbay Historical Society maintains the Vaughan Homestead, historical records, artifacts and gardens. New members and volunteers are most welcome.

The Vaughan Homestead available spaces

Our event rooms are for hire, a kitchen is available for tea, coffees etc.

The rooms can be configured to your seminar and meeting requirements. There is no accommodation available.

Event room Oneroa

Event room Motutapu

Event room Rangitoto

The Torbay Historical Society needs membership fees and donations to continue its work.
The Torbay Historical Society needs membership fees and donations to continue its work.

Donations can be made to our bank account

ASB 12-3059-0342332-00

Should you wish to become a member or require a receipt please complete the donations & subscriptions page, a tax receipt will be sent to you.

Thankyou for considering a donation !


We welcome volunteers and have regular working days to keep the Homestead fresh, clean and to tend the gardens. To find out more about volunteering please complete the contact us form with your details.

— Why join Torbay Historical Society
Long Bay's Learning centers
Long Bay's Learning centers
  • The Vaughan Homestead and museum offers a location for events and offers a window to the past history, habitation and development of Long Bay.
  • Merc -To provide life changing marine environmental education and outdoor experiences for young New Zealanders
  • Vaughan Park Retreat -To be a place of generous hospitality, spacious conversation, and spiritual encounter
— Opportunities
Upcoming events

The Vaughan homestead will be open to the public from 2pm until 4pm on Saturdays, subject to weather.

There are regular working bees with morning tea provided. Come along and help keep the homestead and its gardens clean. we will advise the date of the next one.